Ointment from varicose veins — the choice is the best option

Treatment varicose veins varicose veins on the legs must be comprehensive. In particular the use of the medication, which is a local effect on the skin and blood vessels. This disease causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms, among which swelling a feeling of heaviness in the legs, inflammatory processes. Ointments from varicose veins to effectively eliminate the disease manifestations and hinder its development. They improve vein tone and which is used, in order to avoid complications. Varicose veins lead to as thrombophlebitis, and trophic ulcers is the leg, and this means that treatment should be started as soon as there were the first signs of trouble.

Manifestation is varicose veins


Causes and symptoms of varicose veins

Lately, varicose veins increasingly affects young people, which is why it is such a problem faced not only for older people. Sometimes surgery will make even those who have not yet reached thirty years of age. If a relative has varicose veins expansion of the feet, or the parents wore the operative intervention in this matter, it is worth thinking about prevention of this disease. The doctor, who deals with such problems – phlebologist. He examines the man and concludes, whether the one of the risk. Hereditary causes predispose to this disease, but there are some factors conducive to its emergence, such as:

  • commonly varicose veins in women than male representatives;
  • a few extra pounds of weight;
  • the work, which requires a long period to find their feet;
  • the existing people are lampjalgsus may also provoke the disease;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body, endocrine diseases;
  • continuous stress;
  • sedentary lifestyle provokes stagnant phenomenon.

Varicose veins by called pathological varicose veins on the legs. The disease is accompanied by weakness in the valves of blood vessels inside. The blood circulation in the legs is disturbed, there will be stagnation and edema. The disease was not immediately, it begins with small symptoms that initially people don't attribute value to. Initially, the affected blood vessels, which remain on the surface, then the pathology is advanced and the pathological process is already affecting a vein located deep in the.

Externally this is manifested in the form of venous network and the nodes, thereby increasing the risk of blood clots. Possible complications carry the risk of life: thrombosis (blockage in the veins), embolism and ulcers on the legs. Skin shins looks ugly, swelling of long time does not disappear, the exterior is seen in the enlarged blood vessels. It involves inflammation, the person feels discomfort and severity is the lower extremities.

Treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins

Ointment from varicose veins – it is not the only way to cure so how to overcome this is a serious disease can be only using the integrated treatment. To this end, the doctors prescribed the medicine in tablets and ointments complement them by assisting a local impact. External means it is possible to eliminate the disease symptoms.

Conservative treatment of this disease improves the blood circulation in the vessels and the void of stagnant phenomenon. As a result of the swelling disappears, the inflammation decreases, the risk of thrombotic events also down, serious complications will develop less frequently. On looking at the creams and ointments, which are considered the most effective to combat varicose veins by.

To choose: cream, gel or ointment

Medicines of the local application form date are divided into such types:

  • gel;
  • cream;
  • ointment.

These medications are used to prevent the disease given the disease and conservative treatment (without surgery). Medication tubes differ in their composition, many patients prefer to use gels because they are easy to structure. After application to the skin the gel immediately absorbed, so it is considered to be most comfortable applying. The cream is slightly more dense texture, but is also well penetrates the skin and does not leave any traces. Ointment from the varicose veins consists of fatty components, and so happens that it is not always convenient to use.

Help tools, which can be purchased by prescription, it is:

  • medications horse chestnut;
  • medications heparin;
  • ointments troxerutin;
  • NSAIDS the form of gels or ointments (drugs inflammation).

It should be remembered that varicose veins – this is a serious disease, causing serious consequences, thus making itself unacceptable.